
Our Services

Quality Services

Company Registrations

Form a company at lighning speed

Business Name Registrations

No frills business name registration

Tax Registrations

Register with BURS and get Tax Clearance Certificate

Bank Account Opening

Resolution and Financials to get your Account

Trade License Acquisitions

become compliant with local government

PPADB Code Registrations

Get codes and start bidding for tenders.

Additional Services

Price List

1Secretary appointmentP350.00
2Change of ownershipP700.00
3Company registration up to taxP1,800.00
4Work and residence permitP8,000.00
5Financial statementsP2,000.00 +
6Annual returns CIPAP850.00
7Tax clearanceP350.00 +
8Annual returns BURSP2,000.00
9Vat computationP1,500.00
10Annual subscriptionP3,000.00
11Company profile with logoP850.00
12Logo designP350.00
13Letter headP200.00
14Company stampP350.00
15Business cards design and printP450.00
16Trust registrationP9,500.00
17Society registrationP9,500.00

Trust and Worth

Our Clients

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